Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hummers Owners = Clueless

So while driving around Boca I spotted the below vehicle and was immediately shocked and appalled.
Hummers are a constant in Boca Raton, as a matter of fact, you would be hard pressed to throw a Bluetooth headset and somehow not hit a Hummer or at the very least a lexus. I’ll admit, the Hummer H2 and H3 are on my personal douchebag honor roll and will probably remain there forever. What are my reasons for having such strong feelings? I’m glad you asked.

Top 5 reasons H2’s and their owners should be hated:

1) Hummers are owned by way too many soccer moms. (why do they need to drive around in a tank, do you somehow get a better table at Too Jay’s?)

2) Hummers somehow convince their owners that they no longer need to consider others while parking and driving their tanks.

3) They couldn’t afford a real Hummer.

4) Most are cheap bastards who basically use their hummers as a write off.

5) Have I mentioned that they look like tanks?

Now the offender shown below has enabled me to take my "hummer hatred" to a whole new level, by placing a hospice license plate on their monstrosity.

Sample: Hospice License Plate

Take a close look at their license plate. Their digits have been removed, in order to respect their privacy, so please don't send them any hate mail.

Everyday is a gift? Isn’t that the same as saying, “stop and smell the roses”? H2’s on average produce 3.4 metric tons of carbon emissions each year, nearly double of the usual sedan.

I am thrilled that the driver is appreciating everyday on this green earth, but can't help but wonder if they even acknowledge the simple facts. Their tank is polluting the environment, killing my lungs and directly contributing to the global warming and graying of our world.

Aside from Boca Raton, where else can people brazenly display their self-centered purchases while spreading butterfly hope on their license plates.

So, stop and smell the roses, but watch out... that tank may be headed in your direction!


SpillToJill said...

I wish I had a pic of the pink hummer I saw that day at Regency....oh that would be perfect for this post.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of all these tree huggers wanting for everyone to live like thenm.... SCREW YOU...If someone wants to drive a tank, thats there business... as it is your business to hug trees... That is why we live here... free to do what we want... We should all care about the environment, but spreading your hate does not solve the problem... Specifically all these liberals that speak a lot shit, but are huge Hypocrites... i.e. Gore.. spends more in electrcity than a small community... if you are going to talk, you better back up.. plus all these hollywood actors and their private jets... I guess that does not add to the problem...

Unknown said...

Well I didn't write the blog, but as someone who agrees with its sentiments I'll be happy to "back it up" as you so anonymously put it.

1) Having a general sense of irony does not make someone "hateful," nor does having common courtesy for other people on this planet make them a "tree hugger."

2) So, "we should all care about the environment," as you said, but "if someone wants to drive a tank, that's there business." That makes good rational sense. What if I want to drive a backhoe? Or a large crane? That okay with you too?

3) You say, "Spreading hate does not solve the problem," yet you start out your comment with a very pleasant "SCREW YOU," and then go on to point the finger at "Hypocrites" later on. Nice one.

4) I'm not exactly following why you are defending Hummers, but are upset about "hollywood actors and their private jets" since these same actors hop out of the jets and into their Hummers (Arnold, who is not exactly a "liberal," has 8 or so). At this point I will also point out that hypocrites is not capitalized.

6) I, too, hate people who "speak a lot of shit."

7) I'm not wasting any more time ripping apart your silly post. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I knew you were a supporter of the Free Hugs Campaign, but I did not know that it included trees! WOW! You are one phenomenal human being. Keep spreading the love...

Anonymous said...

sounds like the 8:13 am post either owns a hummer or is beside his/her self that they cannot or do not...thank god i don't get as rattled about wanting a hummer!!! oh and not all liberals are hypocrites...not so sure the same can be said for the other side...we all need to do our part to help the future of this's really that simple!!!

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about Jewish Puerto Rican's who drive VW passats?

Anonymous said...

Your "THE" A hole, I was born and raised in Boca and it's the jerks like you who think because you have lived here for 5 years you get the definitive word on how people should and shouldn't act. Yes, there are alot of self serving, narcissists in this town but who the F made you the judge and jury.

I think you should do yourself, and the rest of us a big favor and leave. Please take the rest of the jerks with you!

Unknown said...

The psychosis that is the pervasive culture of Boca Raton is exceedingly entertaining.

While I personally tend to identify more with the blog authors point of view, the vitriolic reactions that come with almost every point of view in Boca are fun to watch, as long as you an keep from being mentally dragged into the emotional dysfunction.

When I first moved to Boca Raton, I often wondered what was everyone so miserable about? The weather is good, nice beaches, and most people here have a few bucks. Why the psychotic anger?

Anyway, I stopped trying to figure it out, but did realize that the environment takes a toll on even previously happy and content people. Money or not, the culture sucks the mental energy from almost anyone who gets too close.

Next time you are in a public setting in Boca, look around. Take an inventory of 20 random people you see. How many of them look genuinely happy and content? Now, of those, observe their conversation or actions, and then eliminate the ones who might be happy only because of their mistreatment of the others in their presence, or because they are being admired by their group.

Anyone left?

The rants within the comments here are classic Boca attitude.

Anyway, I am glad to have found this forum, to watch the interactions between people of this personality, without having to wade into it.

Nice blog, and keep "stirring the pot"!

Anonymous said...

wow...the 5/17 7:02 am post is grrreat!!! get a grip whoever you are...this is all just in fun and if you can't laugh at it and/or laugh at yourself i feel sorry for you...boca is fun to watch but people like you do truly make it SUCK!!! go take a trip to town center mall in your hubbie hummer, in your stilettos, and DKNY outfit and acceceorries so we have something to laugh at!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you're a pretty poor writer.

Let me guess, you're 15 years old.

You moved to Boca when you were 10.

And your job is at Best Buy on Glades and 441.

Anonymous said...

PS. Keep writing though.

BlatantBoca said...

I generally try to avoid Glades and 441 like the plague.

Anonymous said...

I play Hummer/SUV baseball when I am out.

Female Driver on Cell Phone
Female Driver on Cell Phone and Smoking
Female Driver on Cell Phone,Smoking
and Drinking Coffee
Female Driver on Cell Phone,Smoking,Drinking Coffee and
Eating or Yelling at Rug Rats

Firefawn said...

spilltojill - I KNOW the hummer you are talking about! I find myself driving with it on my morning commute. It is the *exact* color of of Good N' Plenty candy..LOL. The blond who pilots it drives up Andrews to drop her brats off at Pine Crest school. I laugh at how they carefully color coordinated the "Imagine" John Lennon license plate to the paint color.

Anonymous said...

Why are we spending so much money on a damn library?

Who's going to use it?

Damn few!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! Maybe one day you could write about Boca garage sales too, never have I seen so many people try to get so much for so little - even though they're obviously well off. And yeah, how about that library, the current one is just fine, why did we need a new one? Just to spend the bucks?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Concerning the garage sale comment, go to and read the May 6 posting under: West palm beach, rants and raves "rant: yard sale retards". It all about Boca and the funniest thing I have ever read.
the link:

Anonymous said...

Bocaesque is the code word in Florida for rude, obnoxious and inconsiderate behavior, primarily displayed by South Palm Beach County residents who have some sort of syndrome requiring them to eat too much, drive too fast and annoy the hell out of anyone not in a hurry to either please them or get out of the way.
Sort of reminds you of Berlin in the Weimar years.